Shane Bartholomeusz

Geek and lover of all things tech related

Category: Git

How To: Handle Line Endings with Git


Git is an incredibly powerful version control system with a myriad of features and capabilities, including the ability to work across various OS platforms, including Windows and Unix.

I recently started working on a project along with several other developers using various operating system platforms. We came across an issue relating to the handling of LF / CRLF line ending characters between the various operating system platforms.

In this article we’ll take a look at how to deal with line ending characters in git.

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How To: Clone GIT Repo Using Personal Access Token


In this post I’ll show you how you can clone a Git repository using a Personal Access Token instead of a regular password.

Personal Access Tokens are useful in a variety of situations. I recently opted to use an access token on a work laptop rather than using my ‘god mode’ credentials. That way, if I needed to hand the laptop back to my employer I could easily revoke the access.

Enough talk … lets get to it!

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Fixed: Configure Visual Studio GIT Proxy Server


Working in corporate environment can bring it’s own set of challenges when setting up tooling. A typical corporate environment will usually contain a Proxy server setup.

If you have encountered the below errors while using the built-in GIT integration with Visual Studio 2019. In this post I’ll show you how to fix these issues.

Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused

Git failed with a fatal error.

unable to access XXXX

Proxy CONNECT aborted

407: Proxy Authentication Required

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