Shane Bartholomeusz

Geek and lover of all things tech related

Tag: ASP.NET Core

Solved: BlazorInputFile ‘No File Chosen’ Error

Blazor WebAssembly Icon


Blazor is an exciting new technology for .NET developers that enables us to leverage our core strengths by writing most of the code in C# and minimising the need to write JavaScript code.

While working on a Blazor WebAssembly solution that used Steve Sanderson’s BlazorInputFile solution I came across an unusual issue where the “No File Chosen” text would not change and the selected filename did not appear even though a file had already been selected.

Hmmmm … what’s going on here?

HTML File Input Screenshot
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How to: Implement Azure Web App Authentication – The Easy Way


Let’s face it … security is HARD. Implementing authentication and authorization into applications has always been a challenge and a chore for developers. Building a secure application requires strong knowledge across a number of areas.

Thanks to the power of Easy Auth on Microsoft Azure it’s easier than ever to setup secure authentication for your web application with the click of a few buttons… Yep, I’m not kidding!

Ok let’s get started …

Azure App Service Logo
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Aspnetcore.dll failed to load. The data is the error

The Problem

When trying to locally debug a newly created solution within Visual Studio 2015 I encountered the below error when locally launching the application using IIS Express

A process with the ID of <id> is not running


Seeing no errors logged in the Visual Studio Output window, I checked the Windows Event Viewer and found the following error:

The Module DLL C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\aspnetcore.dll failed to load. The data is the error.

The error was a bit confusing because it alluded to ASP.NET Core even though I wasn’t using this in my project.

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