I recently encountered a strange issue in our Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 environment. We could not ENABLE a user that had previously been disabled, instead we encountered the following error.
I recently encountered a strange issue in our Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 environment. We could not ENABLE a user that had previously been disabled, instead we encountered the following error.
Recently we encountered an issue in our CRM 4.0 environment whereby a user could not login to CRM even though they had adequate permissions. Instead they received the below error.
Insufficient Permissions
The logged-on user does not have the appropriate security permissions to view these records or perform the specific action.
Recently in our Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 environment we encountered significant delays in outgoing emailnotifications being sent out from CRM.
An analysis of the Event Viewer logs revealed nothing useful, only the below generic error message
0x80044150 Generic SQL error
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